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We offer lots of projects for Scouts, whether it be earning a badge or just painting pottery for fun
* Book your event at any day/time that the studio is not open to regular customers (week day afternoons, evenings or Sunday afternoons).
* Most projects are priced between $15-$25; Scouts get a 15% automatic discount when done as a group! Some of our projects include pottery painting in both kiln-fired and acrylic paints; fused glass; board art; clay hand-building; pottery mosaics and other crafts.
* We can custom build a project around badge requirements if requested. Most are usually just one session, but some require a second return visit. A $150 deposit is required to reserve a date and time for your event. This money goes toward the project on the day of the event.
* We offer Scout outings outside of our regular studio hours; suggested days/times are for any 3-hour session: Friday evenings 5p-9p; Saturdays 4p-9p and Sunday afternoons.
* Plan your outing: at least 3 weeks before your preferred event date either visit the studio, call 610-759-8367 or submit an inquiry below and we'll be in touch!
* DID YOU KNOW?! Fundraising is available at 15% on every dollar customer spends. Please inquire below.
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